Monday, January 09, 2006

Would you look at the size of that thing!

Here's the belly @ 34 weeks. It might not seem enormous to most but secretly... inside grows a baby that is ( I hope you are sitting down) 7lbs 6oz. No that is not a typo... Tiny ( the most inappropriate name ever given to a fetus of this size) weighs 7lbs 6 oz. Now ~ there is a margin of error on the type of sonogram we had today... but for now I am terrified that I am delivering a baby that will out weigh Millie by the time he/she is born. Tiny looks good in every other way. S/he is doing everything a 34 weeker should be doing. The issue here is : Dr. Landy is leaving on Saturday... so if any decisions are made in the next week, they will be made by a stranger... which makes me so sad. I am sitting here waiting for Dr. Landy to call so we can possibly discuss the plan of events. If we wait until January 30th (the day Dr. Landy returns to her office) by my calculations , Tiny Parker will weigh around : 9lbs 6 oz. Okay ~ NO... I will not go there people. ( if I can help it) The thing I hate most of all is the reaction to the fact that I have diabetes. Anyone knows that diabetes causes babies to grow faster than that of babies born to non-diabetics... but I do NOT need the judgemental " Diabetics who are controlled don't have big babies" comment every time I get a sonogram. ERGGGGAHHH ! I hate that! I DO control my diabetes... don't look at me sideways because my baby is bigger than most at this point than most babies. I know for a fact that the peole looking at me sideways( typically medical professionals) and judging me DON'T have diabetes. Live one friggin' day in my shoes people and you will know that living with diabetes is HARD... and have any of you heard me complain? (don't answer that Parker!) I think my hormones are kicking in.. so I better zip it. I'll let you know what Dr. Landy and I decide. I better go elevate my tree trunks for legs.


Mama C-ta said...

Now that is a beautiful pregger! And please, you've been working your ass off this pregnancy nobody could say you didn't do absolutely everything perfectly! I was concerned those cloth diapers would be too big but now they may be too small! I love me some big babies! And small, love them all but I always felt Julian was a little more durable which made me feel less freaked for having him in my clumsy hands.

keri said...

Hame - Your belly is sooooooooooooo cute! (said in RAR voice). And your legs (or yegs as I like to call them) dont even come close to Sister J. If Tiny goes full term s/he will be RAR or RMRs size! You are pretty tiny (no pun intended) to be pushing that out of your "who" (to quote mke)....Let me know what dr l says...

reet said...

i personally LOVE legs that look like that! :P