Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's a....

Urinary tract infection. We spent a few hours at Georgetown's L&D... hooked up to a lot of monitors... had my cervix checked in every way possible ( I'm re- thinking that natural delivery... OWWW-CH) Actually saw Dr Landy.( she (coincedentally) was the Dr on call.. which was so nice) I contracted every 4 minutes for a while. Nothing big... no changes to the cervix.. etc...Tiny is fine... I am fine...( I'm still contracting... but apparently ~ that's fine) I'm off to bed... I'm starting to feel nauseous. I'm sure it's the rotavirus kickin' in.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

I'm glad it was a false alarm so to speak. I hear ya, after I went in since I swore I was leaking amniotic fluid (turned out I was just peeing myself) whatever they did to check that hurt like a mo'fo!!! She looked at me kind of weird when I asked for an epidural for that ;)