Sunday, December 18, 2005


Okay so, Parker and I have had an ongoing argument going on for months now: Holden's hair. People, I LOVE his hair in all of it's glorious long-ness. I feel that his long hair suits him in all of his craziness. Parker thinks he looks like a girl. Parker says that "Holden looks like a little girl we don't bathe. He looks dirty and unkempt." Parker also says that I do whatever I want with no regard to his feelings. Now, certainly, ( that is not true) I don't want to hurt Parker. He obviously feels very strongly about Holden's hairstyle, so much so that when I asked him what he wanted for Christmas this year, he said " I want you to cut Holden's hair." Every time I think about taking scissors to HIP's hair, I get a little weepy. My mom harasses me endlessly " let's just TRIM IT!"... "The boy needs a haircut... he looks like a girl Amy." I am kinda tired of people telling me what's right. I am tired of knowing what is fashion forward, and people ( who have had the same hairstyle for 20 years) telling me " you are not paying attention to fashion." Okay. I KNOW fashion. I pay attention to current trends. I love forward thinking fashion so much that I am living vicariously through my son's hair. I don't really care what people think of my fashion or my kids' fashion. I don't care for snide remarks, and when people tell me that HIP looks like a girl~ I tell them they are obviously not up on current fashion...and what they are saying is not good for Holden to hear. Until: last night. We attended a Christmas party in the neighborhood and 8 middle school aged girls were calling HIP a girl, ( to his face) braiding his hair, and putting makeup on him. HIP didn't mind until one little s*#thead said ( while wearing acid wash jeans,black patten leather platform maryjanes, a ponytail that was too tight... and a short sleeved raglan american eagle shirt w/ sequens on it... (not to stoop. but if you're gonna rip on MY son's style.. you BEST bust out of 1998) )" you must be a girl.. your hair is so long!HAHAHAHA!" Holden stood there stone cold and said " I AM A BOY, stop laughing." I wanted to take this ( @ least 13 year old) girl and have her look @ me in the eyes and tell me that she wouldn't be upset if someone 10 years older than her were making fun of her to her face...and oh yeah.. . I wanted to say, "I MUST be a man since I have shorter hair than my husband." I didn't feel it necessary to stoop to this child's level... I just know that her parents are obviously judgmental and have passed on this amazing judgment /stereotyping to their daughter. Poor thing. It's gonna suck for her living in this limited world she obviously lives in. I am thrilled to say that my children do not notice people's differences.My children do not stare @ people in wheelchairs or people w/ green hair. My kids do not laugh when they see a bald woman, or someone who is obese. My children don't see differences in skin color, or if someone has 2 moms or they see 2 guys holding hands in the mall. I am thrilled to say that my children accept people as people... not anomalies to their world. I am so happy that I think I have officially achieved the acceptance of diversity... which was one of my main goals in my ideal parenthood. Back to the point: Holden's hair. AS much as it KILLS me to do this: I think I am going to cut HIP's hair. I can't say I'm gonna go short... but I am looking into a little hipster kinda cut that will say " I am HIP.. watch out." So Parker when you read this, please know that this is for you. I love you that much. :) Merry Christmas Pal. I'll be in the bathroom bawling.

1 comment:

M said...

Very cute! He looks great!