Thursday, December 29, 2005

Doctor's appointments: week 33

Dr. Doroshow: ( pediatric cardiologist) ( & I quote) " Get out of here, you bore me." Tiny's tricuspid regurgitation is growing in a consistent manner with his/her heart. The bigger the heart, the bigger the leak... not: bigger heart... much bigger leak. The aorta is not stretching... and the heartbeat is steady. Good. No early delivery. Biophysical profile/ fetal non stress test : The baby needed to move 2 times in 20 minutes with a rise in heartbeat each time it moved. Tiny cooperated. .. and passed the first of many non- stress tests. The biophysical profile or BPP ( in sonogram lingo) showed that there is enough amniotic fluid and the movements are consistent with a happy baby. Dr. Ratner was happy with my numbers... and moved my alternate ( night time ) basal up a 1/10 of a unit. He said " I'd love to see you go to mid January... putting you @ 34/35 weeks... which is just perfect in my book." He added, " wouldn't it be funny if you went 37 weeks?" I told him to shut up. I will be so annoyed that after 7 months of hearing that I'm gonna go early, I go full term? UG . So that's pretty much it... nothing major/dramatic to report . I go in for another fetal non- stress test/BPP in the morning . I assume that all will be just fine. Now, for my non-stress test: let's see if I can get my 2 four year olds into bed without losing my cookies.. when does school start again?

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