Tuesday, December 06, 2005

29 weeks

I had my weekly check up with Dr Ratner today and all is well. I actually lost 2 pounds.. .which was a good thing since last week I gained 3 lbs.( 2 lbs of the gain was in water) Dr. Ratner was his usual self with his : " I will be thrilled if this baby is still in you in 3 weeks" stuff. I laughed at him and knew that he is just preparing me if anything DOES happen between now and then. Millie accompanied me since she was home from School today. School policy frowns upon parents who send their kids to school with fevers of 104 w/ raging coughs. Poor little thing was a coughing fool pretty much all night and all day. After our visit to Dr. Ratner's together, Millie and I went and purchased her a pair of snow boots, picked up some lunch,and rode a train through White Flint Mall. She BEGGED to ride this train ( a little train that drives all around the first floor of the mall.. pretty cute I gotta say... & totally cool if you're 3' tall and 4 years old.) Millie thoroughly enjoyed the ride. I thoroughly enjoyed knowing that she was happy. I was not however, thrilled about stuffing my pregnant body into a caboose... but we all survived.
Millie and I picked up Holden from school @ 3... and took a trip to good ol' Dr. Gober's ( pediatrician) so Dr. G could " take a listen" to Millie's chest. It was decided that Millicent has bronchitis, and he was quick to put her on some antibiotics. Dr. G isn' the " prescribing" type of Doctor, so I figure, this must be a serious case, or he'd just tell me to " watch her and give her some popsicles." Holden was happy to join us... just for the lollipop @ the end of the visit. :) After seeing Dr. G, we headed to the grocery store to fill the prescription, and pick up some odds and ends to get us through the night and breakfast in the AM. When we returned home the braxton hicks started up big time. I've had braxton hicks before , but this was something to actually make me call my sister and see what labor felt like. My back was kinda hurting, I really felt like I had to go " to the bathroom" ( wink) and my stomach tightened every 6-10 minutes for over an hour. I drank a ton of water, got the kids into bed, and rested on my left side for about an hour. Things seem better now. I am still getting tight every couple of minutes, but the intensity of the "contraction" isn't as bad and the tightening isn't lasting nearly as long. All night I kept thinking, " oh man.. I just sent 2 new pairs of pants to the taylor to get hemmed! & if I deliver this baby tonight, I won't ever get to wear them!" What a waste! I also scurried around straightening up in fear that I was going to have to go to the hospital,and return to the mass chaos that is my home at this point. I quickly folded some laundry and put it away. I cleaned the kitchen, and took out some recycling. I made sure that everything was out and obvious, just in case my mom was going to come down and pick up where I left off while I sat in the NICU with Tiny. Luckily, I think all the fuss was for nothing, and proved to me that the house needs to stay somewhat organized for the next couple of months... so when it's "time" I won't have to worry about the condition of the house while I'm gone. Okay I need to go wake up Parker ( he's sound asleep upstairs) so he can take out the trash. It's been over a week... things could get very ugly if we put this off any more. Okay... off to bed for me. Tomorrow, I think I'll try and take it easy so I don't throw myself into a labor inducing tizzy. I think I just over did it today.


M said...

Man, totally reminds me of my last pregnancy. Please try to take it easy. The less time you have to spend in the NICU the better! What is up with husbands and needing to be reminded to take the trash out?! Drives me nuts! No one has to remind me to make dinner every night, or go grocery shopping or do the laundry or... everything else! Aarrgghh.

Mama C-ta said...

You can't go into labor before Sunday Hame so just chill that little babe out, ok? I want to see the belly one last time while it still has a baby in there!

Amy said...

I'm keeping my legs crossed! I have a feeling that Tiny has no desire to " get boring" ( which is for some reason how my children say a baby is born.(?) ) Hee.. I love kid speak. Anyhoo... I'm planning on making it on Sunday. More than anything... I really just wanna hang with my friends.
See you (&J) then!
