Monday, December 19, 2005

Dr R follow up... and a little catch up

As some of you might remember from about a week ago.. there was some question about how well my kidneys are working these days. ( due to a low volume 24 hour urine) I spoke with Dr. Ratner on Friday afternoon, and he reported that I am not in kidney failure. ( whew!) He said that I have the ability to get rid of waste products... and possibly I just didn't take in as much fluid on the day of the 24 hour collection as I typically do on any given day. Okay ~ so we watch and wait. No early deliveries this week. YAY.

Parker and I made a belly cast this weekend. It was fun. I remember casting Suze's belly and it was actually very cool. I am so glad I have the cast of her belly. Millie and Holden LOVE to talk about how they grew in Aunt Suze's belly, and they use the belly cast as a reference tool. They like to point to where they actually grew. I'd post the pics of my belly casting in process... but... I'm not bold enough to put those pics online.:) I had no idea my boobs were SO BIG! and the belly cast doesn't hide that fact at all. I don't think I need my friends to carry around that visual... Whoa.

I had my 3rd biophysical profile today. Tiny looks good...moving all around .. doin' that baby tai chi I was suspecting. There is plenty of amniotic fluid... and all looks great. Another Whew!

Now.. onto the part where I freak a little. As I was leaving the sonogram office, I was informed that I would be seeing a different doctor today because Dr. Landy had emergency gall bladder surgery. Okay.. fine. I was calm. I sat waiting for awhile and a man walked in the room with my chart. He said " Amy Parker?" I was still calm. The part where I got a little edgy was when he asked me if my diabetes was pregestational, and who and where my endocrinologist was. I told this random Dr. that Dr. R's clinic was in Eastern Market. He said , " oh, over by G.W.? I said.. "noooo on the hill.. "he said "where?" I said, " behind the Library of Congress? The Capitol? The Senate offices? He quickly changed the subject and asked why I needed to see a perinatologist ( Dr. Landy)... how many weeks I am... and if I thought it was time to see Dr. Landy weekly and get bi-weekly biophysical profiles. In response to his question about how often I should see my perinatologist... or how many biophysical profiles I should get a week I responded, " um.. you're the Dr... you tell me. " After the appointment was over I went to schedule my biophyical profiles and the like.. and the scheduling receptionist informed me that Dr. Landy would be in Seattle from January 6th- January 27th. Here's where I get a little panicked. I knew that Dr. L was going to be out of town... but it dawned on me that my full term is 37 weeks. That's almost the end of January. SO this guy.. who doesn't know a thing about me.. MIGHT have to deliver Tiny.. and not only that.. .if there's a problem... this doctor who I don't know... will be performing a possible c-section( if Tiny has growth spurt?)??? AHHHGAAA! Does he know how to hold a scalpel, or will he ask me that too? I said to Parker.. I ALMOST wish that I would just go into labor in the next week and a half... so Dr. Landy will be around, 'cause frankly I am TERRIFIED of this other Dr. delivering.
I will be having a very stern discussion with Dr. Ratner about all of this. It will not be the end of the world if this random Dr. delivers... but my fragile nerves need consistency! I see Dr. R on Wednesday.. I'm sure he'll tell me that I'm gonna deliver next week anyways.. .so maybe there is no need to worry. Listen to me... I'm more worried about the random OB... not delivering a 32 weeker... ha.. you know you're the mom of preemies when......

1 comment:

keri said...

Hame - I am glad all is well! I would call & talk to Dr L & tell her that you are concerned that random doc "doesnt seem to know my background" or something in a nice way so it doesnt sound like he behaved like a complete moron..... Keep me posted. We leave today for BK's parents, back next week. If you should deliver, can you ask suze to call me on my cell (i figure you'll be pretty busy...) xoxoxoxxoxoxo