Thursday, December 08, 2005

My big boy

I don't like to single out my kids. I know that they are different people and that they are living different lives... but for some reason I like to always have equal amounts of updating per kid... as to not leave anyone out. This particular example was earned.. so I'm gonna let my equality scale slide a little bit.
Our big boy Holden... our little man who I was convinced would take his " noonie" ( pacifier) to college... has given up his noonie. It has been 5 days now and there hasn't been one request for his noonie at bedtime.
Our babysitter , Brittany came over last Saturday night for a few hours while we attended a Holiday party in our neighborhood. Apparently Miss Brit couldn't find the noonie...but all was well, Hipster fell asleep on one condition: "Santa will bring me a new firetruck." Okay then.. Santa.. if you are listening: we have an order for 1 riding firetruck, please. Our big boy earned it.
Millie told me " I don't want any new toys, I just want my noonie. hmmpff!( exaggerated crossed arms and a big frownie face.)" Ha... that's my girl.

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