Thursday, December 22, 2005

Any pointers?

Okay all you bedresters out there... does anyone know how to get the feeling back in your left side? I am numb from laying on my left side all darn day and night. +I had a little cobedder join me on my body pillow last night.( so I was squooshed ) He told me something about a fire... and needing a firetruck to put out the fire, which freaked me out for a minute there.. but it was obvious that he was sleepwalking and talking in his sleep. Funny how he can still pick his nose and eat the boogers even in his sleep.
Anyways...(on that note)

PLEASE let me know how I can get rest without feeling like I'm going to paralyzed after a week.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

Sorry wish I had some tips but I could never stay on my left :(