Saturday, December 10, 2005

My executive decision.


Back before we had kids, I always loved the notion of using cloth diapers. Eventhough I was not the laundry master I am today, I still thought cloth diapering seemed to be a " nice" way to diaper. After loads of research, and a few conversations with Parker, I decided that with twins... to ensure my sanity, I would use disposable... and try to protect the Earth in other ways. As time has gone on, I still find cloth diapering to be " nice." As we all know, Tiny is ONE baby. ( something I'm not sure I'll know how to handle) I spoke of using cloth for Tiny with Parker a few times. There was some mumbling of being a dirty hippie... and questions about why I would WANT to wash poop out of a cloth diaper? " Don't you have enough on your plate?" Still, I have been fantasizing about using cloth... and following through on something... and all that jazz. With some help from my friends Cathy, Cara, @, and Jenny ( sorry Jenny I lost your blog link) I think I have established a good support system. I do need a "cloth diapering 101" workshop... but I think I'll be able to swing it. I mean, after my mom stopped wrinkling her nose about it... even SHE said that she did it and it wasn't bad. I know the "energy/detergent debate" with cloth. I use biodegradable detergent...and I intend on line drying. Now, I'm not gonna be a nazi about it. The babysitter and Parker can use the OTHER diaper I decided we would use. These diapers are called : gdiapers. ( G diapers ( as seen on the webpage) are flushable/biodegradable. One can even use gdiapers in their mulch pile ( Meems would be so proud) if they don't want to worry about clogging the septic.( which g diapers promises won't happen due to the dissolving technology.) I received my shipment of gdiapers/liners last week, and for some reason I am all excited about it. I can tell you one thing, and hopefully all you cloth diaperers ( is that a word?) have some helpful hints for me when it comes to this: I am SICK of people questioning why I would use cloth... and why I care so much about what kind of diapers I use. It makes me feel like I am 16 years old and the world knows what is best for me. I HATE this feeling more than anything. When I got pregnant, I finally felt like a "grown up." Comments such as " who cares what kind of diaper you use... your diapers aren't going to make any difference in our landfills" & my personal fave : "EW," make me so angry. Listen, I have stuffed 20,000 disposable diapers into our landfills over the last 4 years. ( yes, I calculated it) I would assume that putting some effort into making sure our planet feels somewhat protected... would mean SOMETHING to someone out there. I'm just trying here... so if you have an opinion about me using cloth/flushables... please keep it to yourself. I wouldn't think to tell you what you are doing wrong with your life.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

It's funny that I even care what Bryan thinks about diapers since I will change 99% of them and do 99% of the laundry. Why would I even ask him?? His mom keeps us stocked on disposables and I haven't had the nerve yet to say, why don't you buy us some cloth instead?