Saturday, December 31, 2005

I'm just sayin'

Here's a little pointer out there for any of you who may or may not know this: If you are exposed to a violent stomach bug... but don't have any symptoms of it... IT IS STILL NOT SAFE TO VISIT US. ( or anyone else) I'm not going to talk about who or what. I'm just making a general statement. Thanks to the people who said they weren't sick, so it was okay to visit... ( eventhough I was hesitant)Holden got it Wednesday, and Millie threw up from 1:30 this morning- 5:30 this morning.. .one time, all over me after I just finished drying her hair after a bath. ( @ 2am) One time was ALMOST in our bed but I screamed that after the "big belch"~ hurl will explode out of the child!Get her to the toilet! ( I learned that the hard way the time before) I know that the people who brought this virus to our home didn't mean any harm, clearly.. it's just that now: We will all get this. It's down to Parker and me. We cannot hang out w/ Suze and Danny on New Year's Eve. We cannot attend the Party @ my Aunt's house tomorrow. SO now our New Year's plans are screwed. YAYYYYY! Hopefully I don't get it.. because I'm already having contractions for some reason. ( they started last night @ about 6pm... and my stomach is still tightening every so often and it feels like the baby is pushing down. It happens when I stand or lie down... regardless of how much water I have had... or what position I am in) I can see it now: I get this stomach bug... I get dehydrated... go into labor... and low and behold... Parker starts hurling too... which means that when I'm in the hospital... he can't be there for Tiny's delivery. All this is obviously anxiety talkin' here...I don't know what's worse, the anticipation that we'll get it... or just getting it and getting it over with. Seriously: next time... I'm telling these unmentioned people " YOU CANNOT COME HERE." I had to sleep in a chair last night because Millie wanted me in the room with her and I am a bad mommy and couldn't bring myself to sleep next to her. My back is KILLING me! SO Thank you unmentioned people. Thank you for screwing up our holidays. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

disclaimer: this is my blog... I can say whatever the heck I want. So don't go there.


keri said...

hame - it doesnt sound like a pretty site over at your house. I had ASSumed you were going to see the village people..(i am kidding, and am hoping you can chuckle at a time like this)... I hope MS & HI start to feel better & I HOPE that you & creeg are NOT hurling at midnight tonight. Keep me posted on the contractions. Drink alot & see if you can rest (hard to do when you have a house full of sickies). Can I guess who came over? thinking of you... xo, kare

Mama C-ta said...

No shit, you can say whatever the hell you want and hopefully these generous people stumble upon this entry. Or just actually use their brains next time before coming over to a house with kids and a pregnant woman, you know, HIGH RISKS!