Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Okay ~so yesterday was a good day with the kids. My friend Cathy brought her 2 peeps ( ages 5 & 3) over to play/ swim. It was so fun... until: Millie wanted to steer HIP in the fire engine boat thing... and ended up flipping him. He was face down... pinned by the boat.. with his sister trying to steer him. In a very dramatic fashion I ripped my clothes off... disconnected my pump and ran down the steps to save my drowning boy ( who actually had his face out of the water @ this point.) While I was rescuing my beloved ... I broke my toe. The toe next to my pinky toe on my left foot now looks like a big blue sausage. When Parker saw it, he said " ew." I think I'm gonna survive the trauma... I just needed to complain about it.

I have an appointment w/ Dr. Landy ( OB) today. My mom is coming down to watch MS& HIP so I don't have an elevated bloodpressure during the visit. :) Our babysitter is apparently competing in a tennis tournament and is doing very well... so she's unavailable until she takes first place. :) So my mom is saving my life and gonna stay w/the peeps today. On any other day I'd take major advantage of her being here and run a zillion errands... but the idea of hobbling around w/ my bum toe seems to painful to even consider. Looks like this friday night the Parker family will be taking a trip to the grocer as a family. :) I always laugh when I see entire families grocery shopping. I think it looks nice, but I bet they buy a lot more than necessary... I know I do . Anyways, the idea of doing stuff together is nice... until the phrase "clean up on aisle 7" has been caused my one of my family members. Then I wince.
Anyways, I'll let you know how the OB appointment goes. Hopefully I'll get to hear the heartbeat again today. I'm starting to get excited about this new baby stuff.

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