Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why is it that we want more kids again?

I love big families. I love the idea of hustle and bustle. I love the idea of big holiday gatherings.. and a big pig pile of people on the couch watching a movie under a blanket on a snow day. I do NOT however love when my children get a hold of a purple permanent marker and draw on the house. Yes: my 2 children not only got a hold of a permanent marker ( which they KNOW they are not supposed to have) THEY DREW ON THE SIDING, THE DECK AND THE GRILL. Now, you ask " where the heck were you during all of this?" Good question. I was standing 4 feet away with my back turned talking on the phone... like any good mom on bed rest should be doing. Being stranded in one's home w/ 2 bored 3 year olds requires communication with adults via telephone every once and awhile. K so back to the graffiti. Not only did they draw all over our house/deck/grill... when I saw what they were doing and said " HEY WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING???!!??" The girl suspect pitched the marker over the side of the deck and ran inside squealing and laughing. When put in bed ( as a form of punishment... a form of punishment I don't neccessarily agree with... but I had no other options) They thought it would be appropriate to play until 1 am. I went in and glared @ them 2 times... which in turn threw them into giggle fits so bad that they ran to the bathroom to pee. Seriously, how do those families with 11 kids do it? ZYou've seen those families... all dressed in homemade clothes... they all play the violin in perfet pitch.. the laundry is folden and put away.. the dishes are clean... and the kids call their parents " Mamn & Sir."I'm not saying I wanna be Amish.... I'm just saying I can't even discipline 2 kids... what the heck are we gonna do when Tiny shows up? Does anyone have any pointers on how to get permanent marker off of a stained deck?


reet said...

it's a good thing michael the graffiti artist isn't around for this one. he'd be all like "cool!" ains hasn't ever written on anything, but it's different i guess.

Mama C-ta said...

Oh that sly MS. But in their defense, I think I'd giggle if you glared at me too :)