Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the test results

Scarlett has lung cancer. I am absolutely beside myself with grief. I know that Scarlett the dog has had a better life than most kids in the world, so I don't regret not doing stuff etc...but I still don't want her to go away, she is my friend. I have told Scarlett probably every day that she has been a part of our lives that I love her... and she is a good, good girl. ( even when she was a bad girl and bit another dog or something dog crazy like that) I have no regrets. The animal internist said that operating on Scarlett wouldn't cure her, and the operation is a big procedure. " It's more humane to just keep her comfortable than put her through an invasive surgery,and hard recovery. " I don't have much more to say about this right now. I am kinda without words. I do know however that I will cherish every moment I have with her, and from now on make sure I make time for Scarlett. I am so sad.


reet said...

hame, i don't even know what to say. i feel so bad for the good girl and for you. i know how sad i was when i just lost chicken the cat for like two hours and that is no comparison. but even as i sit here and cry, i can only picture your good girl in the front seat of the car riding along 295 and giving me that look out the window as i passed you! kiss the good girl for me. reet

Mama C-ta said...

Oh Amy, I wish I had something comforting to say. I lost a dog who I swear was my best friend in the entire world. It's hard and I know she had such a good life with you and she'll continue know how much she means to you.

Give her lots of love from me and tell her I love her even though she doesn't have a clue who I am.