Thursday, August 04, 2005

Oh no

I think I may have jinxed myself. It seems that I have been telling lots of people my news this week. People always ask " how are you feeling?"I tell the truth and say " I have been so lucky, I have had mild nausea, but nothing I can't handle. "Welp, tonight I have nausea I'm not sure I can handle. I am supposed to eat a night time snack,and I just cannot make it happen. I made myself a mini bagel with butter, and I'm having trouble swallowing each bite. YUCK. I know nausea means that everything is still developing... so I'm guessing all is well in there, but MAN I have been teased until this point. I hope I don't hurl, I need the calories from this snack I am working so hard to eat.


Mama C-ta said...

Booh for morning sickness. I know you'll be OK w/the calories, somehow I managed to get sick non-stop and retain every single last stupid calorie (60 lbs later), much to my dismay.

And are we officially in the 2nd trimester yet? I need a little ticker please ;)

Mama C-ta said...

Can I link to you yet since you're "out?"

Amy said...

Cara, link away!