Thursday, August 25, 2005

14 week check.

So my blood pressure meds must be really good. ( I mean I take a dose a 400 lb man should take, but that's a whole 'nother story... point is: they work) After our babysitter and I miscommunicated the time of my appointment,( ie: she didn't show up) the pre-rush hour commute to Georgeown, and the hectic weekend w/ Scarlett, my blood pressure was 118/60. I was shocked. After all that stress my blood pressure is still okay!I have officially gained 3 lbs total. Parker came to this appointment. He looked cute when he was listening to the heartbeat for the first time. I said, " see? I'm not just bloated." Dr Landy said " oh no... that's definitely not bloating." ( and smiled) The results for the cystic fibrosis test came back negative, so we're past our first hurdle. SHEW! The next one is Spina bifida. The visit was short, and sweet. We get our first real sonogram on September 12th. I'm kinda excited about that. It'll be cool to see Tiny in there kickin' it. So everything looks great right now.

Scarlett continues to act like she is feeling better. I took her for a very short walk today. Since our street is completely empty @ 8 am, I took the leash off for the return half of the walk. This is how I know Scarlett the dog has gotten old on me: She just walked next to me. She did sniff my neighbor's mailbox stand, but then returned to my side immediately. Back in the old days, I would have had to get on my bike to keep up with ger her so she didn't go rip a neighbor's golden retreiver's head off. I do think the walk was good for her. Her limp was pretty much gone by the end of the walk, and she walked right up the steps with no problem.( For the last 3 days I have had to to help her maneuver the steps. ) Dr. Heidi ( Gallant) Fritz ( my good friend who is a vet) agreed with the internist @ the pet ER. She said " these procedures are really invasive,and not guaranteed to cure her of cancer. Scarlett is an old dog, who has had a great life. If Scareltt was 2 years old, I would have already operated, but in this situation, I'd just let her ride it out. You could have about a year, just make it count." As I see Scarlett improve with each day after returning from the ER, I agree w/ Heidi. I love my dog, and I don't want to make things worse. I just make sure to tell her how I feel, and feed her lots of yummy treats.

Anyways, This week has been hard, but all seems well today. My inner Buddist tells me to just appreciate today, so that's what I'll do.


reet said...

good to hear about the appt. i can just picture the look on parker's face. i love the pic of scarlet. she and parker seem to have to same expression for every picture. not the same as each other of course! but you know what i mean!

Mama C-ta said...

First off I'm so sorry I'm so frigin' behind on all this b/c it looks like I'm really missing a lot.

But so glad about the neg CF and happy to hear Scarlett is enjoying her days.