Sunday, August 07, 2005

We've graduated.

Okay, how come I am officially in my second trimester( per request of Mama C-ta :) ) and I am feeling sh*##!@r than ever. I mean, look at my face in this<- picture! I couldn't even muster a real smile. Is my nose really that wide? Anyways, the morning sickness that kicks my butt at night is really kicking in. I know it's not forever,and when I finally start feeling better, I'll probably worry that something is wrong with "Tiny." So I pretty much suck it up. We have had a very busy week. I am looking forward to going to OCMD this week for some R&R. My entire family ( except for Suze and Danny... re: Suze is due to deliver Baby Roarty in 4 weeks.. no travelling for them. I hope she can hold off until next week... since she wants me in the delivery room....which is so flattering!) OCMD is a funny place. I do more there than I do at home... but there must be something in the air that just puts me at ease. Must be the salt. (??)

Also I saw Dr Landy ( OB) this past week. I got to hear " Tiny's" heartbeat on the doppler. It was amazing. he/she was in there kickin' all around. I took a deep breath and knew that everything was okay. Dr. Landy strongly advized that we tested for cystic fibrosis. So I got the bloodtest. I'll get the results in a week. My bloodsugars have been a little nutty this week. I'm starting to get annoyed. Part of the issue is that I'm just not hungry.. so my numbers are lower..and when I do eat.. they go up a little higher. Dr ratner( endocrinologist) is working on a game plan. All should be fine.. I just worry ya know.

Millie and Holden have really taken to the pool and we spend most days swimming. Yesterday we hosted a party so parker's pals from GW could all play catch up. It was fun.. kids everywhere! (9 total) At one point Holden walk into the pool. he just walked himself down the steps and proceeded to sit on the bottom. Our friend's daughter ( 8 years old) played lifeguard, and pulled a very upset Hipster out of the water. We're not sure what he was thinking... but he was fine.. just mad. OY. Do you see why I have a mini heart attack evryday?
Okay I'm off for my " bitches that brunch." I am so excited to have an afternoon to myself and play " gossip" with my grrls.


Mama C-ta said...

Yeah brunch kicked arse, next time I don't want you to sit at the opposite end of the table though! We need a big circle.

And that pic is cute and you looked hot at brunch in your stylish clothes. Can I hate you? Nah, you're too frigin' cool.

Have fun at OC and don't let HIP walk himself to the bottom of the ocean! Pool? OK fine, Ocean? Not fine. Crazy little HIP.

reet said...

you are sooooo hot! i wanna go downeoceanhon....we havta wait fer ar annibersarie dough. maybe yoose 'll be down der den too. ober laberday weekend...
i love me some brunching bitches. sorry about the lack of phone skills on my part. i finally listened to your message and wow. you were pissed!