Wednesday, September 21, 2005

8 years

So, 8 years ago yesterday was a good day. All of my friends and family were with me. The day was beautiful. I hadn't really a care in the world. Parker was the one in the yarmulke... I was the one in the wedding dress. We had a great time. ( except for when Parker wanted pigs in a blanket... and the photographer was posing us for stupid standard wedding shots, we fought then. Other than that all was happy.)
Little did I know that eight years from our wedding day would be so darn stressful. If I had known, I may have suggested getting married on September 21st instead?

My day started @ 5:45 am. I had to get Scarlett to the vet by 7 so she could be admitted for chemo. I kept thinking on my drive over to Potomac, " why the heck is there a traffic jam on 270, and the sun isn't even up yet?" I arrived back home before the sun rose, and started preparing for the day. I packed the kids' lunches, picked out everyone's clothes, gave everyone the " 20 more minutes warning," and was getting settled in for the day. I argued w/ 2 cranky almost 4 year olds about the importance of school, wrestled the boy version out of his bed and literally had to hold him down so he would stop crawling back under the covers. I negotiated 2 breakfasts, brushed 3 sets of teeth, and we were on the road. Miss Theresa helped me strong arm the girl variety of the dynamic duo out of her carseat, and I was off to Mount Rainier to my friend Margaret's ceramics studio. I asked Margaret if she would make us a box for Scarlett's ashes. I know: morbid. I just need to take care of details before I am a total wreck. Margaret was honored and is working on some designs for us. Check out her web page. She's AMAZING.
Mapquest sent me the WRONG way to the studio... so I went 30 miles too far. GRR. Margaret directed me back to the studio and all was well. I loved the initial drawings and ideas she had for us. I had a doctor's appointment @ 1 so I scooted out of the studio...and drove on over to Eastern Market. Only to be told that my appointment was never put on the schedule. Double grr. I packed my stuff and drove back to Gaithersburg to pick up Millicent and Holden. The kids were fine, and we drove home. Peeps napped and so did I. Parker's mom showed up @ 5:30 so Parker and I could go out to dinner for our anniversary. My friend Heidi ( who is a vet)called me @ about 5:45 to tell me," you shouldn't be around Scarlett while she is undergoing chemo treatments, it's very dangerous to you and the baby." OKAY~ WHY DID'T THE ONCOLOGIST MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT THE DANGERS TO MY UNBORN BABY? Triple grr. After many phone calls to various vets, it was decided that I shouldn't touch any " excrement" from Scarlett for 24 hours( not that I typically touch ANYONE'S excrement) and everything would be just fine. I picked our " doggie fresh" up from the vet at 6:30 and everything was a-okay. Scarlett was happy to see me.. and pulled me out to the car. Yay. I returned home, quickly changed my clothes , threw on some make up... and bolted out the door, only to remember after I had backed out of the driveway that I forgot to change my pump site. GRRRRR. Back in the house... up the steps... I did a quickie pump change and I flew out the door... only to realize that I really had to pee when I got in the car... so I went back in the house... pee'd... I returned to the car and I was on my way. We live in the "sticks" so night time driving is always precarious. Like a good driver, I was aware of the possibility of deer in the area. I had my high beams on...I was going 5mph under the speed limit... and WHAMO! a deer jumped into the grill of my van. I dragged that son-bitch 25 feet. I clentched my teeth, and finally felt my car come to a slow stop.I dreaded what I would find, or what I would do about the sitch. I heard something clunk under the front of the van, and all of a sudden that deer jumped out from under the front tires... and ran into the woods. SHEW! No bloody mess.. or massive guilt for killing an animal. ( not that it didn't go into the woods to die... I'm relieved I didn't have to deal with it... not stupid.) I hyperventilated myself to the gas station, filled the tank for under 70 bucks, and put a call into Parker explaining my horrendous day. Parker ( for those of you who don't know him) is not very good at empathy. He was mad that he had made reservations at a resturant, and now we were going to be late. OHHHH I was ready for the people at the resturant to tell us we couldn't eat dinner because we were late... let me att'em! After much ado... and a long night, Parker and I ate a nice dinner together. Sigh. So 8 years ago today Parker and I were on Catalina Island, probably eating lunch at this totally cool beach side lunch bar. He probably had the cheeseburger. I had the hotdog/cheeseburger combination sandwich. Funny, I could go for one of those right about now:)


Mama C-ta said...

Out of all that my question is, you were eating meat 8 years ago??

Happy Anniversary guys! Sorry about the day though but sounds like it ended w/a lovely dinner. I miss you, I think we're due for a belly shot

reet said...

i forget your anniversary EVERY year! and every year i say "what the hell is today?" on the 21st, thinking it is a birthday of someone....i'll get it by 10 i promise!