Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Time to start rippin' new ones

I have recently become aware that I find most people unacceptable. Not all people. My friends and family do not count. I'm not going to get into the whole story, but I RIPPED a new one for my painter this morning. After weeks of excuses and crappy carpentry done on our home, I ( just like on "A Christmas Story") let a string of obscenities fly that is still hovering over my sister's house this very minute. Suze said my face was "red" when I came back in from my scream fest. I wish I could hand everyone excuses and still get away with murder... oh and get paid too. Might as well throw in some money for my ability to tell huge lies. The reason I feel that it is important to post this is : this has everything to do with me being pregnant. In my non pregnant state I apologize if someone runs over my foot with a grocery cart... Because I was in their way or something. There is this mama lion thing happening to me these days and let me tell you I LOVE IT. According to Suze, this will all change, but for now my thoughts are so clear and to the point! I said it straight up to this painter and I do honestly think he was scared! YAY! Someone was actually scared of my power! ( meanwhile I scream at the top of my lungs after 45 minutes of begging the kids to sleep.. and all I get is snickering and laughter... and a whipsered "mommy is so angry wif us... (snicker snicker snicker.)") I seem to have this new found ability to say things that need to be said, without going off on a tangent, or embarrassing myself by insulting the person on the phone . Seriously, when do I get to slack off? When is it okay for me to feel sick and want to sleep without self loathing and guilt? Why do I always have to apologize?
Well, watch out world! For the next coupla months... if you wanna keep one " hole" I'd steer clear of the wrath. Cause this mama lion is on the prowl looking for a good fight.


keri said...

Hame- I love the "new you". I will ask you to visit my doctor, where the nurse just said "KERI, YOU LOOK SO TIRED ARE YOU OK?"... Well, lady, I am 36 weeks pg, i have childcare issues, my 22 month old gets up at 5:45am every day..." Shall I go on??????????? oh, and its 90 degrees out... WHAT DOES SHE EXPECT? So, hame, come to Qtown. I need your help setting her straight :)

Amy said...

Kare, I will definitely come to Q-town and rip new ones along the way! I love the new me too... except it's kinda tiring being a bitch all the time. Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll bring the crib for "Barn. " I do have to add: I didn't know how to use the word "unnacceptable" until you taught me. You are my Obi Wan.