Thursday, June 23, 2005

Just a follow up

For those of you who are keeping track:My visit to Dr. Wolfgram ( gyn) was a very nice visit. He told me that my original beta test was :66. He told me that for a good healthy implantation, the number should double every 2-3 days. I was tested 7 days after my first test which should bring my beta count somewhere around 2112 ( approximately) Nope.. my beta count after 7 days was a whopping 2,800... which is a GOOD thing. ( thus far) Dr W. was obviously concerned about my A1C... but I assured him that it was being closely watched and getting lower by the day . I asked him about my cramping and he told me that I have a cyst on my left ovary, and it should absorb by the time I am 8 weeks. SHEW! He added ( in his joking voice) " you ovulated out of your left ovary, this baby is a "leftie." I laughed and snuck in a touch of politics and said " ohh my husband will be so proud." (we always KNEW it was nature, not nurture!) Dr. W gave a good chuckle. I am going to get another sonogram in 10 days to see if " things are progressing..."( and possibly pick up a heartbeat.) A very nice nurse drew some more blood and commented on my poor arms. " These veins are getting a workout these days, huh?" ( and gave me a loving pat to my shoulder.) Dr. W wants to see if my progesterone levels are rising... which I can tell him :THEY ARE RISING!! I WANT TO BARF & SLEEP& CRY 24/7!
All in all it was a nice visit.
I returned home to a lethargic Holden on the couch w/ the babysitter. We had to get his collarbone "x-rated" ( what HIP calls an x- ray) after a top secret fall @ which apparently happened @ our neighbor's house... the day I was getting my sonogram.. you know.. the people who let their kids play w/ guns? Poor little Hipster, seems to have cracked his collarbone.. we are off to the orthopedist tomorrow to see if he needs a brace or something. Millie gets a kick out of the whole thing explaining:
" When you try to pick up Holdie, you have to pick him up by his heiner, not his armpit! HAHAHA!" What a pair.

Okay... I am off to sleep.. my new favorite thing to do.. yawnnn.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

Hahaha, your kids are too cute! I love your reinactments. Poor HIP though, I hope for a speedy healing.

And yeah on the Beta!!! Such an overachiever you are :) "Leftie" heh!

- Cara