Friday, June 17, 2005

I MUST chill

I woke up this morning with some good, healthy, morning sickness. As mush as I felt like crap, I was thrilled to still feel pregnant. Mom spent the night here last night so we could go run a bunch of errands in preparation of Suze's baby shower. Mom and I chased Millie and Holden around a stationary store for a while, found what we needed and returned to our house. My morning sickness was getting stronger, so I decided to eat some lunch. A lunch I'm not sure I will ever eat again. This particular lunch consisted of a bowl of Grandma Morgan's potato salad ( something I have been craving for a week now... and something that is so delicious it is worth all the time consumption.) & a cream cheese, baby spinach, green onion and vine tomato wrap. I gave myself a good dose of insulin and the kids and I were on our way. I was scheduled to have my beta count taken again, since I found out that I was pregnant before I actually missed my period. I took the peeps, drove across town, made it the office in the nick of time. ( which is tough w/ Millie & Holden.. since they hafta do everything by " demselves.") I got my blood drawn.. and we were off to the Pharmacy ( our very special pharmacy... who are a degree of seperation in Millie & Holden's birth story.. ie: they sold us the fertility drugs. This pharmacy is so much like family.. that even when a particular little long haired boy steals a roll of lifesavers, they laugh and tease ... not ever ever ever get angry. The kids and I returned home after many errands... and they napped, big time. I checked my sugar, which was 200. High for me these days. So , I bolused 1 unit of insulin in my pump, and life went on. After the big nap was over, the kids and I attended a farewell party for a neighbor. I bolused 2 units, and ate some crackers and cheese, and a handful of raw baby carrots. An hour later I checked my sugar, and the monitor read 510. 510?!! Fears of killing my embryo raced through my head. I was convinced that I was going to miscarry... and threw myself into a private anxiety attack while my kids played " baby bear" with some neighborhood kids. I re-checked my sugar 5 minutes later and it read 300.. which is still awful.. but hey, WAY better than 510. ( oh yeah, for those of you who don't know.. normal range of bloodsugar for a non diabetic is 80-120... which is my current goal, being preggers and all) I bolused 2 units...and waited.. tick tock tick tock... checked again... 250.. bolused 1 unit... waited... re checked... 230.... bolused 1 unit... and when I got he kids in bed.. re-checked... 34. WHAT??? 34???!!! come on! Luckily ( & here's the reason I am posting today) my nurse educator, Laurie was online on AOL. I sent her a panicked IM. She talked to me for a half an hour telling me that things are okay.. and the babe is fine.. since my sugars have been so great lately. She taught me to lok @ the whole picture... not an isolated event. She told me that I am doing the bestI cna do..and to keep up the good work. She is wonderful and soothing and smart... and kind...always there ( even when I was being silly after I got my tattoos and I was freaked out) and do you get my point?? It's people like Laurie and all the awesome Doctors/nurses/medical professionals willing to work with me that prove that there are actually people out there who love their jobs enough to help a panick attacked girl @ 10pm. I always feel bad after a time like tonight. I wish there was something I could do for Laurie, but she says it's her pleasure to help, and she's available whenever I need her. I wish I could help someone the way Laurie helps me... and the rest of her patients.


reet said...

you do something for everyone everyday by being one of the most fabulous people on the planet. you are a loving caring and supportive woman, and your stories and personality are a delight...

Amy said...

Reet... I am blushing...
thank you for the awesome compliment.. you my friend are the true blueprint of a good person.