Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fine and dandy

I saw my perinatologist today. She called and made me cancel my appointment with Dr. R so she could squeeze me intoday. It must be nice to be able to pull rank on someone of power. I told her , " I have an appointment w/ Dr. R today @ 1. " She said , " Call Bob and tell him that you will come over ther after I check you out." Well, okayyyyy ( I thought to myself) My challenge: I hadn't made any arrangements with a sitter for MS & HIP. Luckily the world's best babysitter, Brittany lives 4 houses down the street from us. I called her and her mom sent her on her way. The idea of taking 2 over tired 3 year olds to 2 doctor's appointments.. oh lord, I can't even go there... I'd rather chew glass. Luckily Brittany showed up 15 minutes early... and the kids were so happy to see her they forgot to say goodbye. While driving on stupid 270.. there was a 4 mile back up... which led me on a wild goose chase of redlights and illegally parked cars. I started off in Bethesda... wound myself down the side of Northwest D.C.. and ended up in the Neighborhood Parker and I lived in while we were in art school/Law School. My hormones flared for a minuted there...and I teared up. Ohh.. I miss those days. I sucked it up... arrived in Georgetown Hosptial's parking lot @ 1:03( which shocked me) and Dr. L met me @ the door. Dr. L is the funniest person. She commented on my ability to get pregnant quickly, and laughed when I told her Parker that was a little upset that I got pregnant on our first try. She said she could see why he would be upset.. "it's the making that's the fun part!" She started the ultrasound and said, " everything looks just perfect. Let's have a listen." All of a sudden, I heard it.. the strong heartbeat. She said " ohh it's a strong steady one.. good work." She found that everything was in check... and the reason for my bleeding last week didn't worry her at all. Dr. L met me out in the hall after I replaced my clothing. She said , " can I please show off your tattoos?" I giggled, and said " sure!" She dragged all the sonogram technicians away from their lunches to look @ my arms. She said , " I love these tattoos.. aren't they just beautiful?" I blushed as she told the story of how they were done." She patted me on the back and said, " call me if you need me... I think everything looks great!" Dr. L is just amazing. She is exactly the person I have always imagined delivering my baby. I am so lucky.


keri said...

Hame - I thought dr ratner was your perinatologist? I think I need to get the names stratight.. Ok and also, your "brit" spells her name Brittany vs "my brit" who spells her name Britney..But the real question, do MS & HIP call her Britby (that's how RAR pronounces it..)

Mama C-ta said...

I would like a complete listing of all your doctors names, their role and their contact info please!

So glad to hear everything looks good, can never hear that enough when your pregnant! By the way what is your due date? Feb somthing?

Amy said...

Due date: Saturday February 18th