Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm a little behind on the belly pics... but this one was kinda fun so I decided to use it... you know, since all of my kids are in this one.
Yes, Millie is in her undies... and Holden was trying to stick his finger in my belly button ( hence the sneaky look on his face) Tiny is in there hanging on my ribs... you can't see it.. but let me just tell you... that's what s/he is doing pretty much all of the time.
I have started seeing Dr. Ratner ( endocrinologist) every 7 days. We had a little swelling scare... so he decided it was time for weekly visits. So far everything seems okay. At every visit he gets very serious at the end and says stuff like " I don't want to scare you, but I'm pretty sure you are going to deliver anywhere between 30 and 35 weeks. You will be put in the hospital when I think the swelling is severe enough that you need to be watched 24 hours a day." (yada yada yada... etc...) Meanwhile my OB says " you tell Bob ( Dr. Ratner) that I know how to do my job and you will deliver at about 38 weeks." Okay people... let's not fight.. and also let's not get the pregnant girl into a tizzy. So far, I'm the most relaxed in the this equation. My blood pressures have been stable and in the the 115/60 range pretty much across the board. I'm not sure why Dr. Ratner doesn't just think the swelling in my legs is typical pregnancy swelling. However.. I did gain 5 lbs in 2 weeks... and he thinks it's water weight. Oh well.. only time will tell... and in that time I think I'll just chill out and enjoy this experience.
I finally wigged out because we're gonna have another kid. Last night as I was tucking the kids into bed.. it dawned on me. WE'RE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER KID IN LESS THAN 3 MONTHS. Fears of not being able to bond ( something I struggled with with Millie and Holden for about a year)... not wanting to take care of another kid... frustration... fears of not being able to handle Millie and Holden AND a baby.... breastfeeding fears... you know... the works. I know everyone goes through this so I just closed my eyes and knew that everything would be okay. It was just kinda weird, since all I've ever wanted was a "big" family. I'm glad I didn't get all skeeved out and panicky.Panic attacks are so awful.. and poor Parker just doesn't know what to do with me... so he usually leaves the room all flustered. I know everything will be fine. I just had to think too much for a few minutes there.

On a totally girly note: I went and bought some new make up today. Nothing fancy... just stuff from CVS. I'm not really a make up girl... but Parker and I are going to the Symphony on Thursday night... and I'm tired of attending things in nothing but foundation... cheap blush and mascara. It's funny how I prefer to go natural.. but for some reason lately I've felt like a big dog... so covering my face w/ powder and goop makes me feel " grown up." HA SO weird. I'm gonna look back on this in a few years and think to myself " OH BARF." For now... I feel pretty... oh so pretty .. I feel pretty and witty and... well, not gay... but hey I support equality... so if I feel as pretty as my hairdresser feels after he tells me all about the new sweater he knitted for his friend's puppy... then I guess I feel as pretty as my big gay hairdresser. :) Ohh excuse me.. "stylist."

Okay I have a slew of junk to do around here... let the nesting BEGIN!


Mama C-ta said...

That has to be the best belly picture ever. Seriously. With your kids in it, and the fact you are holding one who looks so stinkin' cute and the other w/such an adorable look on his sneaky face. I love it, loooooove it!

Glad to hear you are doing well and not letting the nerves get to ya. You know you'll be fine. If you ever run into BF issues just call me b/c I am obviously perfect at it (sarcasm). But I do have good resources. Funny your docs are fighting over your delivery. How about you deliver at 36.5 weeks and make them both happy. Is your nursery done? Do you have a nursery? Are you having a shower? I thought a "Blessingway" would be perfect for ya!

Amy said...


poor Tiny Parker, not really getting a nursery...S/he is just getting put in the little room that is attached to our bedroom. We'll put the rocker and a crib in there.. so when s/he wakes up in the middle of the night.. Millie and Holden don't chime in as well. We do however have an extra room... that is waiting to see the gender of tiny for it's decor. I'm not sure about any showers... but a blessingway sounds awesome. I'd love to get together and just see my friends!
Also~ you are defninitely perfect at breastfeeding... anyone who slims her diet down to 4 ingredients so her baby can still nurse... is perfect in my book!

keri said...

Hame - You look so great. We can't wait to meet Tiny. And, though I am no expert, you can always call me w/any bfeeding stuff.