Sunday, November 13, 2005

week 27... and what's this??

Yes friends... it seems that the ugly morning sickness monster has reared it's ugly head once again. Yep I am plagued in the morning, and late in the evening. Luckily, it's not quite as bad as it was in the first trimester, but it's enough to irritate me. Grr.

I am in major nesting mode. Our home ( as some of you know) is pretty much always in a major state of disarray. ( sp?) Parker kindly heard my pleas to move Tiny's crib/ rocker. He helped me get through a very bad mood when I couldn't find the dumb allen wrench. Luckily , my friend Brandi had an allen wrench that fit... so we were saved! Thanks Bran! We moved a little bit of furniture around, and straightened the little sitting room off the back of our bedroom. I think it will do the trick as we get through the first couple of months w/ Tiny in our home. I can see tiny cobedding for awhile with us... and then transitioning to the sitting room. Then off to an official bedroom where s/he will stay. I am glad to be able to cross " set up Tiny's room" off of my very long " things to do before Tiny is born" list.
I have officially cut Millie and Holden off from their afternoon nap. It seems that HIP cannot fall asleep until after midnight if he sleeps for any amount of time during the day. Cutting them off from a typical 3 hour afternoon nap hasn't been easy. They fight like cats and dogs from noon until 7:30pm. Then~ for procrastinator's reasons... they play like best friends ( running naked around the house squealing and laughing... while I try to grab them and throw their bodies into pajamas, and brush their teeth) until I literally place them and hold them in bed @ 9pm. This has been going on for a while now...and I gotta tell you ~ I AM EXHAUSTED BEYOND BELIEF. Again~ anyone who says they want(ed) twins HAS NO IDEA WHAT THAT STATEMENT MEANS. Because let me just tell you: having 4 year old twins is not fun about 75% of the time. Hopefully I can get them into the after school program... so @ least they aren't fighting inbetween the hours of 12 & 3pm. Their inability to share/watch the same tv show/ride bikes w/ out arguing over where where we're going to ride bikes/do puzzles/read/ draw/listen to music/play with friends/ play on the swingset/ even hold my hand ( yes they fight over who gets to hold which one of my hands) is purely exhausting... and I find myself wondering what in the heck I was thinking when I wanted another kid. I assume we will adjust.. but for now , I am trying my hardest to get things "settled" before introducing more ( Tiny) to the already exsisting chaos.


Amy said...

We tried a " star chart" a few months back... w/ the same kind of feeling, but it was for every time they listened they got a star, and every time they didn't listen, they got a star taken away. Holden could have CARED LESS.. but Millie loved her stars. Actually now that I think about it... I think Holden would like a responsibility chart... he's been talking about how good he is at listening and getting stars. If you're not using the extra chart... we'll totaly take it.. along w/ any small cloth diapers you may have ( I forgot to get back toy ouw hen you sent out that e-mail) and please tell me you still have those felted wool clogs... they are Millie's size! (Let me know how much you want for everything) Shall we set up a "bitches who brunch" for this month?

Mama C-ta said...

Morning sickness again? boooh! I'm sorry that's the last thing you should have to deal with!

snarflemarfle said...

Well, since you're having a third, this may not help; but it might for a while!

My sis and I were always fighting over who got to sit in the front seat when it was just one parent and the two of us. Being the older child, I got odd days and my sis got evens. I figured it out pretty quick, but it took my sis several years to figure out that there were times when I got to sit in the front TWO DAYS IN A ROW!! Now, how's that for fancy-pants?!?

snarflemarfle said...

That would be the front seat of the car!

Sheesh...prego brain making my though processes all mushy...