Wednesday, November 16, 2005

3.. yes 3 doctors appointments in one day.

I gotta tell ya.. I'm a little worn out tonight. The day started at 5 am. Since I have some kidney issues... yes, just like on Steele Magnolias, Dr. Ratner requires me to do a "24 hour urine" once a month. 24 hour urine= I cannot flush one single drop of pee down the toilet. All must be caught in a sterile container. ( provided by my friendly endocrinologist) When I have to do a 24 hour urine.. .I typically stay home all day, 'cause lemme tell you.. there's nothin' cooler( or easier) than walking around with the contents of your bladder in a bag all darn day. I started the 24 hour urine by accident @ 5 am the day before.. .so yes you guessd it.. I had to finish the collection @ 5am today. I tried to go back to sleep, but I ( along with Holden and Parker) have a nasty cough... Which kept me pretty much awake until 7, when I had to get up to start the day. I somehow got the kids ready for school... lunches packed, and off to Jefferson @ Fieldcrest just in the nick of time. It was only 9:15 when I dropped them off, and I was already exhausted.

I had a sonogram appointment @ 10:30 ( which is my usual time). I drove down 270 and all of a sudden: major back up... so I veered off to take back roads. I know it didn't save any time ( because the roads were crowded, and there were a ton of lights ( seemingly all red lights) and I squeezed into the office 5 minutes late. The report on Tiny: Tiny is currently transverse ( sideways.. for those of you not up on the lingo) Butt to the left of my belly button.. head to the right of my belly button. Tiny has been in this position for about a week from what I can tell. Holden was in the same position when they were born ( hence Suze's c-section) It must be a family thing. Tiny is measuring 28 weeks and 6 days in most of the body parts that were measured. ( head/abdomen/femur) Tiny has huge cheeks...and I think I saw a weiner. Not positive... but I won't be surprised if a boy pops out. ( now if Parker and I could decide on a boy's name, all would be fine... whole other story)
Off to Dr. Ratner's office for my weekly visit: Everything was fine. We are fine tuning my alternate( nighttime) basal ( automatic insulin setting) . Dr. R is holding steady at me delivering @ 30-32 weeks. He told me that he was at a Gestational Diabetes conference in San Francisco this past week and he spoke with the "top OB in L.A." and the fancy schmancy OB from LA concurred that the baby would arrive @ about 32 weeks. I finally got up the courage to say "why the heck are you signing me up for a preemie again?Jeesh!" Dr. Ratner explained that since I am walking around w/ 3 sympotms of pre-eclampsia( edema/high blood pressure/kidney failure) even when I'm not pregnant... that there is a 99.00% chance I will develop pre-e at about 30 weeks... and the goal is not to develop eclampsia. Okay. Fine then, I'm glad Tiny weighs more than Millie did when she was born. Tiny at least has size on his/her side.
After my appointment with Dr. Ratner, I scooted on over to Washington Hospital Center for my appointment at the echo lab... to get hooked up on a holter monitor( 24 hour heart monitor that traces heart fluctuations. I have to wear one because I kept fainting.) I waited over an hour to be seen because of some miscommunications between Dr. Ratner's office and the echo lab. Grrr. Finally I was set up. As usual I was approached by a stranger asking for " help" w/ some story of suffering etc... I turned the guy asking for a ride to Irving street down and got in the car.UG I hate that ! It was 3:45pm. I attempted to get to the kids' school in rain storms and rush hour. I'm sure my Holter monitor was freaking out. I called Parker because I didn't move an inch for 25 minutes. Finally after an hour and a half, the traffic moved a little bit. I called PArker and told him to stay @ work.. and I very slowly rolled into the kids' school @ 6:05 ( 6:15 is the cut off... and the teachers talk about you behind your back) The kids were concerned that I was so late, and Millie fell asleep in the car 2 minutes after I strapped her in her car seat. Poor little bean.
So needless to say I am exhausted. Everything seems fine for now. I have an OB appointment on Friday morning, and a fetal echo next week... to check up on Tiny's pesky tricuspid regurgitation( sp?) issue . OY. Time is whittling away and I still have so much to do... but it's fine. :)

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