Sunday, October 30, 2005

No words

Just reporting that our beloved Scarlett " returned to the Earth" last night. She died right next to me. We were sitting in the family room and she finally ( after hours of struggling to breathe) took her last breath. I had been sitting on the floor with her telling her that it was " okay to go." Suze was nursing Ginger, and Millie and Holden were making major mischeif . My regret was that I didn't have my hand on her when she died. ( I was busy disciplining my kids) I desperately wanted to feel her slip away. I wanted her to know that I would always be with her... as she will always be with me. Her death was peaceful and dignified. Just as we had hoped it would be. I am struggling with the idea of cremating her. I think I want her body whole. The only problem is : I'm not sure how long we will live in Gaithersburg, and I don't want to leave her body if we move.. so burying her in Gaithersburg is kinda "out." Burying her in Bel Air is safe... but I want her close to me. I know, I'm being difficult. I'm just confused.

Anyways, I am full of sadness on this day, and I will probably be this way for a long, long time.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

My heart aches for you Amy, it really, really does. But please know that Scarlett KNOWS you will always be with her. You will make the right choice for her but regardless of where her body lies, she will always be close to you as well.

It sounds like she went home exactly where, how and when she wanted to.

hugs to your family,