Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Have you ever?

Let's play a game. It's called " have you ever?" ( I just made it up.)

I'll suggest a task.. and you come up with an answer that suits you.( answers in the comments section would be greatly appreciated)
Okay here we go:
1) Have you ever had to make a decision to euthanize a beloved pet? ( and not have the strength to do it... and also not have the strength to watch your pet suffer with each breath?)

2) Have you ever: had to figure out how to get your 4 year old to stop talking back? ( I don't mean just talking back, I mean: when told to stop talking and put his head on his pillow and go to sleep, the child responds with a loud "Daddy is gonna be so mad at you for being angry at us." and when I responded with a teeth clenching " I am in charge right now. " The child responds with a rather stern, " NO YOU'RE NOT." I am not pro spanking. I do not believe in belittling a child's spirit to come out the more dominant person in the equation... but I have a neighbor who spanks regularly ( because God gave her the power to do so)... and I'm not afraid to send my kids down to her for a quick lesson on how cool I really am.

3) Have you ever had to use a mirror to insert an insulin infusion site into your back... and the only way to see what the heck you are doing is to use a mirror for guidance?( probably not... but I had to get that one off my chest)

4) Have you ever wanted to eat an entire 4 person serving of au gratin potatoes all by yourself, but you weren't able to take one bite because your low sodium diet won't allow it?

5) have you ever tried to come up with a name for your small company, but had no luck, hence: no motivation? ( I think I want to call my baby carrier company " Good Girl Scarlett baby carriers" but it doesn't seem to fit the product description... so now I'm back at square one)

6) Have you ever wanted to just scream at a person who calls herself your friend, but continues to annoy the crap out of you at your expense? ( see: CC)

7) Have you ever been proud of yourself because your mom calls and asks YOU for advice on how to manage her diabetes? ( WOW)

8) Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there really WAS a laundry fairy?

9) Have you ever felt bad because you threatened to take away a field trip to a pumpkin patch because of bad behavior? ( in search of that elusive " respect" all the other parents seem to get from their kids) & Secretly was glad when your kids were really, I mean really, upset?

10 ) have you ever wanted to start the day over and try again?


Mama C-ta said...

1. Sort of...I was too young to make the "decision" but I could tell it tore my parents apart and I'm still not over the loss of the doggy. See? crying now. It's weird, whenever I am in a crisis he appears in my dreams and "guides" me. Things seem so clear like a human in my sleep.
2. Not yet...ask me again in 4 years
3. No, I'm sorry you do :(
4. Sort of...not my "sodium" diet but another crappy diet preventing me from eating ANYTHING.
5. Yes, I suck at it and usually leave it up to Bryan. Let me know if you want to reel him in :)
6. Oh heck yea
7. No, you should be proud.
8. No, I try not to get my hopes up
9. Not yet, ask me again in 4 years
10. Yes, sadly most days


reet said...

1. not yet but it will suck when i have to
2. similar but not the same with ainsley. i have to worry about her father talking back though....jackass
3. i've had to use a mirror to get a pimple off of my ass, does that count
4. i have eaten an entire box of augratin potatoes and i think it was when i was pregs with ainsley. sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
5. i cant come up with much except brunch reservations
6. i want to scream at alot of people alot of the time. see jackass
7. no
8. ha! that's me sista
9. i don't feel bad doing that shit cuz if it works it works. bad mom that i tend to be!
10. EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!! Remember the ghetto fab that i work with!