Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We're all good.

It seems that eventhough Gus mayyyy have an incorrect latch... he is getting enough calories to hold him over. Gus weighed 9lbs 1 oz today! Yes indeedy he gained one half a pound in 7 days. So we're not using the "s" word in our vocabulary... at least not right now. :) It was discovered that Gus has a touch of the reflux. I noticed that his little voice was a little hoarse... and he arches a lot when he eats. Back when M& H were babes... I would have freaked out and called as soon as I heard any change in their voices... but I wasn't as quick to diagnose Gus with reflux due to his size. ( M&H both were relfuxing fools until they were 1. We speak reflux very fluently. ) As much as I hate it.. Gus was put on zantac. Hopefully this will do the trick and he will grow out of it soon. Dr. G. said that he couldn't be happier with Gus' health. He said that Gus is looking great and gave me the old standard, " Keep up the good work." I am still planning on going to see the lactation consultant in the morning, just to make sure that I am working these boobies the right way, and I'm not wasting anyone's time... especially Gus'.

Last night was a real eye opener: I ( accidentally ) fell asleep @ 11pm while feeding Gus. Parker woke me up @ 2:30. I got up and got ready for bed... and fed the wee one. As I was finishing up the 3 0'clock feed, in walked a very warm... and very sleepy Holden. Seems that his fever spiked back up, and the " coughs" were keeping him awake. I put G back in the bassinet, and got to work on the older boy variety. I medicated /hydrated/and snuggled him back into dreamland. I woke up in a toddler bed @ 6:45.. walked myself back to my bed... woke up @ 7 for the 7 o'clock feed. I sat up @ 9:45 very groggy, but somehow glad that I did it.. and I didn't even cry. Maybe just maybe I'm going to be able to do this after all.


Amy said...

Thanks Bran.. sometimes I feel so alone... shiver.. someone hold me.
Okay that might be a little dramatic... still it's 3 am.. and where am I ? sitting at the computer...

Mama C-ta said...

I couldn't sleep for months after J was born, I was up on the PC so late every night. Good job on the multitasking of kids. I didn't have any doubt you could do it though.

I hope you get the latch worked out. Do you still have pain? Hopefully that will go away once you get it corrected too. If it helps ease your mind, Julian still has a bad latch and he continues to get more than enough food. It's possible just not always the most comfortable for Mama! But the LC's freaked me out in the beginning saying my supply could deminish and he wouldn't get enough b/c he wasn't stimulating the milk glands, blah..which is very likely but we managed. Somehow.

I thought I remember you mentioning once that you were feeding Gus every 3-4 hours (even if you had to wake him up to do so) but I was told by many LC's to only go 2-3 hours during the day (especially during the first 3 weeks) and could go 3-4 during the night. Just incase you do need to get more food into him. Sorry to hear about the reflux. Hope the meds help him out quickly!

Testdriver said...

You look so great.

You know, Nuvy has always had a monster latch and I STILL had some pain in the first two weeks. I also was not convinced that she was getting enough milk until we did the before-and-after weighing--and even after that I watched her fontanels like a mother camel watching her hump! Holy PTSD, Batman!

I hope Hip gets better soon--I know they miss him at school :)