Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Due date.

February 20th was Gus' due date. It was kind of weird to look back on my pregnancy yesterday. I coincidentally had an appointment w/Dr. L. It was nice to see her. I had a little seperation anxiety from her/ Georgetown hospital. Think about it... I was there 4 times a week for the last 2 months of my pregnancy. I got used to my surroundings. Anyways...Dr. L checked my incision... and checked my head to see if i have PPD. Everything checked out okay... and I was sent on my way. I am going to make an appointment w/ a lactation consultant today. I am afraid that Gus' latch isn't quite right... and i'm not getting enough milk into him. Today is the official "weigh in" @ Dr. G's. Hopefully G is gaining weight... or I'm sure I'll hear the "s" word. Everyone keep their fingers crossed... and think heavy thoughts.

1 comment:

reet said...

you are too damn cute! i love your pics! and i can think heavy, trust me!