Friday, February 17, 2006

Pouch glorious pouch

Jennifer what would I do without you? Yes friends, my friend Jen ( Jenny to me and a handful of others) Makes these absolutely amazing pouch slings. I cannot tell you how amazing they are... you have to find out for yourself. Scoot yer fruit on over to and order up a slew of them today! You'll thank me for it. I tried very hard to wear Millie and Holden when they were babies.. but they were so small, they would get all swallowed up in the fabric. Given " Tiny's" girth.. he fits in this thing jusssst right. There are days where Gus is in it for 3-4 hours and he is snoozin' the entire time. He gets mad when I take him out to feed him. One of these days I'll figure out how to nurse him while he is IN the pouch. :) Baby steps... I just figured out how to get the kid to latch on without cussing my head off because it hurts so badly. I will say.. I think poor Baby Gus gets a little confused when his little face is up against my boobs. A few times he has literally bounced ( yes just like a ball) his face off of my boobies over and over again.. getting madder by the second because there is just no nipple to be found.. and I am obviously wearing him just to tease him. The pouch has also saved his life. Remember that two 4 year olds can be pretty powerful when they want to accomplish something. I shoulda known something was up when they were 3 years old & they poured diet coke into an apple juice bottle and put it in the fridge ... and started begging for " juice." 3 Years old people. They make sure they get what they want. Let's just say that Gus is safe if I wear him. Hence... I am an attachment parent by default. It's cool. That's what I wanted anyways.

1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

Wow those are some smart kidlings you have! I love seeing him sleep in the sling. I have pics to upload and send ya still too. And I want that sling, fabric and all.