Monday, May 21, 2007

we're expecting

Yeah ,yeah, I know, I don't write, I don't call. I have fallen off the face. I'm not even sure people are reading this anymore. One the slim chance that there is anyone left out there. We have some news: We're expecting again. No, not a human baby, a dog baby. Yes indeedy, in 3 short weeks an 8 week old whippet puppy will be flying in from Ohio. I'm having some slight deja vu, as this is the same thing that happened when we were waiting for Scarlett. Let me start from the beginning: After Scarlett died I declared that no other dogs would enter my life again. Losing Scarlett was just like losing a child to us. Why would I want to set myself and my family up for loss again? After talking to a neighbor, my mind was changed. She simply said," Never say never, maybe there is a dog in the future waiting to be your best friend. Just think, if you close the door, you'll never know." She is a very wise lady. Fast forward to December of 2006. I started thinking about getting a family friendly dog. Maybe it would be okay if we gave it another go. I certainly wouldn't be replacing Scarlett, but adding new memories to our family. I started researching dog breeds. Labs, mastiffs, bassetts,pulis, komandors,cotons, you name it, I considered it for my family. There was always the thing in common that I was tired of , and wanted to prevent: shedding. I'm sick of the dog hair all over my black shirts. So I found this breed called a Lagotto Romagnolo. It's a cute little curly haired dog that doesn't shed, it plays fetch, it's smart, smallish ( 30 lbs) and somewhat rare ( you know I like to be different) I contacted a breeder and I was absolutely sold. She told me that she was going to breed again in the spring. That seemed perfect to me. I talked it over with Parker and he wasn't exactly excited about it, but knows that when I get something in my head, it usually happens. Mother's day rolls around. The kids and Parker surprised me with a doggie bed, a leash, a box of puppy treats and a small bag of puppy food. I was extactic. I e-mailed the lagotto breeder. All the pups had been sold. Boo. She said that she was breeding again the winter. She is one of 2 north american breeders.The other breeder isn't going to breed again until December. :( The thought of potty training a puppy with snow on the ground was not something I had in mind. So I moved on. Next: the Portuguese Water Dog. Cute. Smallish. Non shedding. Good , good, good. I called breeders. Every breeder said "I will not sell you a PWD if you have children under the age of 7. "Apparently PWD are " spirited and energetic." ie: they'll knock your ass over. Nope. Not good. I do not want that . I already Holden for that. :) SO Back to the drawing board. I came up with a whippet. Non barking, snuggly. Very gentle. Loyal. easily trained. The list went on and on. I was sold. I contacted a breeder in Ohio. She breeds champions and is a wealth of knowledge. The ONE bad thing about whippets: if they see an animal they think is worth chasing, they run, and I mean : RUN. 40 mph to be exact. Hmmm. SO if you see me hoofin'it down the street, all out of breath.. I'm most likely trying to catch my speed hound. 26 days and counting. He is one of the puppies onthe right side of the picture. ( all boys) I can't decide.. .they are all too perfect


Testdriver said...

Congratulations! I had this image of you bringing home Marmaduke from the hospital in a little swaddling blanket.

Doesn't quite look the same in my head for a whippet, but man, people look so COOL walking those things!

Kerri said...

OMG they are so cute! I don't know how you decide which one to bring home. Are whippets good with kids?

Oh, back to work, I was distracted by the adorable puppies and this won't make any difference to them!

I’m reaching out to talk to parents about the Maya & Miguel program as part of a marketing project I’m working on with Scholastic. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Maya & Miguel, a show on PBS in the afternoons -- -- that emphasizes cultural diversity and language learning.

I found your post and thought I’d reach out to say hello and ask if you’d like to receive a free Maya & Miguel DVD. If you’d like to receive the DVD just email me at Kerri at with your address and I’ll have it shipped it out to you.

If you do choose to blog about Maya & Miguel show or episodes on the DVD, please make it clear how you received the information. Our goal is to be open and honest with everyone we reach.

Kerri Roberts, BoldMouth