Friday, March 17, 2006

Who's down with PPD??? Yeah~ you know me

Welp... I think it happened. The uncontrollable crying... excessive worry... fear... and laughter.. inability to eat... all rolled up into one. I am either in the beginning of PPD or I am certifiably nuts. Today is looking a little better than yesterday... but it's only 8:30 am anything could happen. I don't want to come off as someone who is complaining about life with a newborn... or being overwhelmed by my growing number of responsibilities. It's a little bit more than that. As I have been bawling my eyes out riddled with fear and loathing... there is no real reason for me to be sad. The weird thing is: As I am crying.. I am thinking about how lucky I am... how much I love my baby, my kids... my husband... the fact that I have seemingly everything I have ever wanted... especially the fact that my dream of carrying a baby came true... but yet: waterworks. I wasn't going to write about this. I was going to keep it to myself. I mean why would I want my family and friends... and those lurkers to know this utterly personal situation I am in right now? Why would I want to let on that not all is well in my world? But I gotta tell ya, I just feel that honesty is the best policy... and I know I'm not the only one out there struggling with this. This is part of the " dream come true " package I WANTED. I WANTED to be pregnant... and such is life post pregnancy I s'poze. Some of us get this... some of us don't. I will tell you : my dreams of having 4 kids are not quite as strong these days. Let's see how I feel in 4 years or so. :) Maybe I'll forget... maybe I won't. Only time will tell. As for now I will push on through each day knowing that I'm not really insane... that it is hornmones making me crazy... and hopefully I will be able to kick this PPD in the ass and stop all this crying about nothing... sooner rather than later. If anyone has any pointers out there. Please don't keep them to yourself. Help a hormonal girl out!


Amy said...

Spoken by "one of the best" herself! Thanks Bran!

Mama C-ta said...

I agree, being aware is the hardest part. Not that I am a drug pusher but I am chronically depressed and on meds, but don't feel bad if it comes to that (or a natural alternative like Sam-E).

OK totally lame advice. Just keep talking about it and don't lock yourself up.

Testdriver said...

I don't have any advice, just a parallel existence :)

It took a while for the permabliss to wear off, but we have been struggling with it too, over here. I have fought depression, with and without drugs (without, at the moment) for years.

It really IS tough to be stuck in the middle of everything you could possibly dream of, because it takes away your outward channels for directing this chemical kind of stuff, and you're left with "what the hell am I crying for?"

You should feel great about saying it out loud, because too many of us don't. "No, Mom, I'm really feeling just fine..." and you should also feel great about anything you decide to do to make it better.

You rock, Amy. You SO rock!

Amy said...

I am blushing over here...