Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ba Ba

Welp, we did it. Gus drank from his first bottle. Okay, it was his third bottle, counting the 2 other ones he had when he was in hospital as jaundice as a baby pumpkin. I blocked those out entirely. Gus latched onto the bottle last night as if he were always bottlefed. He sucked down 3 oz in 2 minutes flat... and I ended up nursing him for 20 minutes on each side right afterward. I'm not sure I got any R&R. I thought maybe giving him a bottle would be HELPFUL. Nope, it was more work than just nursing him. I am glad Parker got to help out though. I know he enjoyed those 2 minutes of unadulterated contact very much. Hey Parker,next time, how 'bout ya change his diaper, put on his pjs and THEN give him the bottle... so you can get the entire effect, will ya? ( wink) Baby steps, I s'poze. All in all I am glad we gave him the bottle. Now we know that if there is an emergency and I can't nurse him, he will do just fine. I am finding it very hard to believe that almost 7 weeks has passed. I can remember being checked into the hospital all pregnant and swollen and scared. I never knew how hard it would be to look back on those days. It's funny how I miss them, eventhough they were hard. Gus seems so big to me now. He is smiling when I kiss his face, and cooing at me when I talk to him. He eats with a vengence and when he sleeps, he looks so peaceful and right. Gus does what Gus wants. Isn't that how it should be? Shouldn't we all be as lucky as babies? I am so proud of my babies for all that they have done and are doing. ( Millie has figured out all of her green sounds in her moveable alphabet, and mastered the binomial cube. ( Montessori speak...and something a mommy should be very proud of) & Holden is sounding out words on sight. It gives me chills to think about all that they have accomplished. )We are so lucky. I am looking forward to days where we sit at the dinner table as a big family and laugh and cry together. For now, I'm gonna go watch my baby boy sleep. I won't get today back, I better enjoy it while I can.


Mama C-ta said...

You know I thought pumping and having Bryan give Cricket bottles would help too but it created so much more work for me. Pumping, cleaning the pump, preparing the bottles, washing the bottles..where the hell is the break? W/BF I'd just life up my shirt and be done w/it!

keri said...

Hame - I am trying this again b/c I posted earlier this week & it didnt show up. I am glad we got to meet Gus last week. you look great. Cant wait to see you again. xoxo, kare

Testdriver said...

Go Millie! Green sounds?

You know, the green sounds are for hard-core pre-readers only!

I can't wait to see them Monday. I have totally missed everyone at school. I can't wait to have Holden come read to me. That is beyond cool.

Amy said...

welcome back Amanda!
I hope your trip was great!