Monday, August 18, 2008


Gus has a severe sweet tooth. If the child could eat sweets all day he would be one happy little dude. M&H like sweets too, but they will grab a piece of fruit or some carrots more often than not.
I can get Gus to eat well rounded meals, but if there is mention of anything not healthy~ he's done. This will be a short sweet( no pun intended) post about the chocolate G found last night. The hubs and I were sitting watching the olympics last night. We were in a heated debate about women's gymnastics. P hates it. I love it. I was a competitive gymnast until I was 14, and I loved it.( most of the time) P has issues with the judges and the politics behind the scores. ANYHOO, G walks in with something in his hand and says, " Daddy, dis chocolate is yucky." P takes it and evaluates what could be so bad about a piece of chocolate. His face twists up and he says," That's because this isn't chocolate, Buddy." I shot a look over to him as he holds up what is a log of dog poo. ( My guess is Devo left us a litte "gift" because we went on a boat ride for 3 hours and left him behind.) P goes," There are teeth marks in this !" I think he then threw up a little in his mouth. We quickly washed Gus' hands and wiped out his mouth. His breath didn't smell like poo, but we were in a panic state . I asked M&H what happened. They just looked at me and said " he didn't eat it" and continued watching Mr Bean. ( for a guy who says so little, he sure can make all of us laugh) We are still wondering if he did eat some, or just the smell was enough to categorize it as " yucky." He's fine this morning, happy and hungry.

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