Thursday, July 26, 2007


That's right friends... it is time for Parker and Me to go on a big fat life changing, size changing diet. Millie said to me today: " Mom, when you sit like that, you look like you have a baby in your tummy." WHAAAAAA???? HolyCRAP! I do? Is it that bad? I know I've gained some weight, but to look pregnant WHEN I AM NOT is a bad thing. One of Parker's clients told him that he was bigger than he was the last time he saw him. I mean seriously, who says that? So I am going to have to get my act together and start eating better. Maybe ice cream all the time is a bad thing? Maybe I am ravenous because I am still nursing G. Maybe it's the side effect of one of the meds I am on. I haven't battled my weight since MS & HIP were born... if anything I worried that I was too thin at times.. but to look pg when I am not is clearly an eye opener to a healthier lifestyle. Now that I take special notice I need help with my gut,arms,legs, and large ass. Problem is: I don't seem to have the time. I know I should get up earlier... walk/run/ eat a sensible breakfast ( one that doesn't involve chocolate pudding perhaps?) have healthy meals and snacks ( that don't involve cheese and dried spiced meats) I think I can do this without going on a diet per se... maybe a lifestyle change? I hate this. I never sit down. I never relax... there's gotta be perks to that. I guess not. Anyone know a free personal trainer?

1 comment:

keri said...

hame - last time i saw you, you were tiny as ever. You should see me. I have gained 5-10. NO pants fit. Its not pretty.