Thursday, July 26, 2007
That's right friends... it is time for Parker and Me to go on a big fat life changing, size changing diet. Millie said to me today: " Mom, when you sit like that, you look like you have a baby in your tummy." WHAAAAAA???? HolyCRAP! I do? Is it that bad? I know I've gained some weight, but to look pregnant WHEN I AM NOT is a bad thing. One of Parker's clients told him that he was bigger than he was the last time he saw him. I mean seriously, who says that? So I am going to have to get my act together and start eating better. Maybe ice cream all the time is a bad thing? Maybe I am ravenous because I am still nursing G. Maybe it's the side effect of one of the meds I am on. I haven't battled my weight since MS & HIP were born... if anything I worried that I was too thin at times.. but to look pg when I am not is clearly an eye opener to a healthier lifestyle. Now that I take special notice I need help with my gut,arms,legs, and large ass. Problem is: I don't seem to have the time. I know I should get up earlier... walk/run/ eat a sensible breakfast ( one that doesn't involve chocolate pudding perhaps?) have healthy meals and snacks ( that don't involve cheese and dried spiced meats) I think I can do this without going on a diet per se... maybe a lifestyle change? I hate this. I never sit down. I never relax... there's gotta be perks to that. I guess not. Anyone know a free personal trainer?
Someone slap a big "S" on our front door... HIP has strep throat and Scarlet fever. Scarlet Fever you say? Yes Scarlet Fever. Seems that after a weekend of swimming and reunioning with my family, Holden abruptly developed a sore throat and a high ever. 2 Days later, HIP's face was swollen and very red. I didn't notice the tell-tale " white mustache" under his nose that is a dead give away. Luckily it's not 1900...and we have antibiotics to help prevent HIP from deafness,blindness, and death. Parker said, "Scarlet Fever made Helen Keller go deaf and blind." Way to jump to the worst case scenario, Pal. Always looking at the bright side of life. ;) .
Anyways, I'm just sending a shout out that if you need to come over to opur place, call before you come over, or you'll be sorry.
Anyways, I'm just sending a shout out that if you need to come over to opur place, call before you come over, or you'll be sorry.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Welp, it's been a busy summer so far. Not unlike most summers of course. Remember when summertime was boring? Remember when you would wake up, wander to the kitchen for some breakfast of english muffins and jam, finish up and head to the couch for some good down home cartoon watchin? After the complete boredom became painful, you headed to your room and slipped into your bathing suit and off to the pool you went with your mom, sister, and cousins for an entire day of crazy dives off the diving board, and endless games of marco polo. Well, if you're anything like me, you grew up and had kids. Woosh! There went the boredom ... right out the window... headed straight to the little kid down the street. Oh man... why did my boredom have to leave me? This summer has been a little different than most for a couple of reasons. 1) Ms & HIP are almost 6... when they are out of sight, it's not quite as urgent. 2) Since my sis graduated from grad school, and she isn't starting her job until the fall, she suggested heading to the beach for the summer. Hmmm,let's think. Stay at my parents place where the groceries and meals are paid for, the rent is cheap ( hugs and kisses for Beanie and Papa whenever they ask) and a village of help from my family. Let's think... tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.. ding! Sure I'm there. Does it have to end in August? Can we extend the stay until let's say, FOREVER? I'm so spoiled rotten at this point, I may even have to ask if it's possible. Summering at the beach for more than a week is different than I thought. It's like being home, but with a view and a lot more to do. Nap schedules still apply. Nightime routines are as important.. even if it is pushed back an hour or 2. Here's where it gets tough:Gus. Gus is a little difficult these days. First off: he can talk. So when he wants something he says it for an hour... even if he gets it when he first asks. A perfect example of this is nursing on demand. GOOD LORD . " Mommy, boob? Boob Mommy? Mom, boob.... Ame? da boob? Amyyyyyy, boob? Mommy? Mommy? Mommeeeeeeeeheeeeeewaaaaaaaaboobmommy? It's exhausting. No shirt stays on. No turtleneck is high or tight enough for him to gain access to my tired nipples. I am not complaining .. really I'm not. I LOVE nursing him. It is our special time. I love to watch him latched on and gulping happily while he kicks me in the chin and giggles. He sings, talks and does all kinds of yoga moves while he is nursing. The biggest problem now is that I'm the only one who gets to give him this kind of happiness. I know his daddy would love to have a go at bringing him unprecedented bliss... but alas, Dady's nips don't hold the golden ticket. Gus' nursing has become a little bit of a problem. I am the only one who can get him into bed... and after a full day ( starting sometimes @ 6:30 ish) by the time it is bedtime... I am pooped. Somewhere along the lines, I developed narcolepsy . Last night, I fell asleep when I was talking on the phone with my mom! I haven't slept a full night in a big girl bed in 9 months. I haven't hung out with my hubs for what seems like years because I fall asleep nursing and wake up @ 1am dazed and confused abotu where the night went. Sadly... I think the only way to solve this problem is to wean. Gus certainly does not want to wean, that's fer sure... but when I commited to attachment parenting.... I never ever ever thought I would detatch from the rest of my family and life. Gus has become the center of my universe based on 2 things: My boobs. This isn't healthy. I want to get my life back. Maybe watch a TV show? Go out to a bar and listen to music? Sit down and not fall asleep? Drive without having to blast the air conditioner and the music ( good thing I have that Clutch CD..... you know who you are!) so I don't fall asleep at the wheel. I don't even know how to begin this process. I know it will be hard, but it has to be done. I'll let you know how it goes.
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