Wednesday, June 28, 2006

After the pause

Sorry it's been so long. The kids are on Summer vacation, ( whoever came up with the term "summer vacation" obviously doesn't have children. There is no vacation in sight for a SAHM) So far this summer we have been to the beach 3 times. Holden has thrown up twice. Millie broke out in hives and her top lip swelled up so much ( and so quickly) that I burst out laughing when I first saw it. Millie and Holden fight like cats and dogs. Millie has started scratching Holden when she doesn't get her way. Holden has been advised to wear a shirt at all times. Holden has an INSANE imagination. He plays with his imaginary friend " Super Kitty" all the time. He is sensitive and requires 5 night lights in his bedroom, or he " just can't sleep." His favorite song currently is " Mr. Roboto." Millicent LOVES Gus so much it's boarderline annoying. Every 20 seconds ( and I am not exaggerating) she says " Can I hold Gus? ( but it sounds like this : " canIholdGusMommy?Mom, canIholdGus??") She is a sweet little mother to the baby brother, but a cranky pants with her twin... declaring " I AM OLDER THAN YOU!!" Gotta love that 28 pound 4 year old's moxy. Gus is rolling from belly to back, and alllllllmost from his back to his belly. He says " bababababababa" every morning to wake me up. Then he smiles a big toothless grin, and I know that this day will be grand. He loves his blanket (which I have named " love.") Gus is a champion thumb sucker. He's a good napper and a great nighttime sleeper. I am getting ready to introduce solid foods to the wee one.He LOVES bananas. Everytime I eat something he sticks his hand in my mouth, or physically bats things off of my fork or out of my hand. I think he's trying to tell me something. I better follow him. Gus has a natural mohawk,loves the word " stinky" ( makes him belly laugh) and the patience of a saint when it comes to Millie and Holden always up in his chicken. My panic attacks have slowed down to maybe one every other day if I am lucky. Which is cool, much better than the 40-50 mini panic attacks I was having each night~ back in the peak of my PPD. Exhausting. It's been a year since I found out I was pregnant. What a year! I had a weird dream last night that I was pregnant again. I woke up in a cold sweat. :) Parker works his butt off. He lost 12 lbs on the South Beach diet. He is lookin' cute. Right now Millie is with my mom getting a little " one on one attention." She needs it. A naked little boy just walked in and said ," Whatcha doin'?" ( which is code for " Daddy wants to play on the computer. Give it up. + it's time for my bath.) I better scoot my fruit.


Mama C-ta said...

So Parker walked in naked? :)

I hope you are doing better these days, it sounds like you have your hands full but many of those things you listed make it all worth it, huh?

keri said...

THATS what I thought too - Creeg was NUDE asking "WHAT CHA DOING" HA HA HA.

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. RAR asked "Do Millie & Holden have a basement?"